Friday, August 9, 2013

Changing the Face of Orphan Care, Adoption and Missions: Commission to Mission

Having a passion for orphan care in all it's forms and in missions have something in common that we would all really like to not have to think about....they are both fueled to one extent or another by funding. How many of us have wished that we had the means to fully fund an adoption that has become close to our heart, or felt the desperation of trying to adopt a child who needed to be home and safe immediately, but have to wait and wait because the funds just are not coming? How many of us would love to take away the financial burdens of missionaries so that they could simply focus on the needs of the people they are called to and never spend a moment's concern about whether they have to return to their homeland to find more support?

I think, too, about all of those families in these types of situations who forego taking care of their own health, or taking much-needed vacations because of the concern that their donors may not approve of how they are spending their money! What if you could relieve that worry because you had the means to do so?!

This is, in part, why I have become so passionate about joining the Adoptagenix team - a group of families using Isagenix products for their families while earning commissions that they can use to bring better health to their adopted children or to children left in orphanages, to fund missionaries, to pay for their own adoptions or those of other families. The compassion and the passion we already have for people all over the world who need Christ's love, the love of a family, and/or nutrition for the millions of needy individuals everywhere can be harnessed to help others - the very best reason to become millionaires: to turn your commission into mission!

Our AdoptAgenix Team has begun podcasting on this very thing and I'd love for you to listen and share this today! You can contact me at if you are ready to learn more!

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